Awh yes, it's good to be back. Another big update, another review done. I've mentioned this in inner circles before but this review will be Rivers of Nihils' "The Work". This review and my next one will be about Deathcore albums. Inapart of being the prog-guy I also really like heavier music, Hell I consider Machine head my 3rd favorite band of all-time-I will add a bands I know tier-list here soon. Kicking it right off with the wrongs, the whole album is very amateurish. Lyrics are written like a first draft, very, very odd effects that don't sound good but could've been circumvented with just technique and skill, example being the weird audio speed-increase in Terrestia IV: Work, and admittedly very simple chords. But it just sounds good. According to a making-of video the whole album is based off working in thankless job in New England, and if you've read my previous review, you'd know how much I love my thankless job in New England, so the lyrics just ring true, and just how intense it is, it's just so FUCKING good. The thing about heavier albums is that it tickles the guitarist center in my brain and makes me happy in a world that fucking sucks, and the simple chords, the motifs that are from previous albums, THE LYRICS ABOUT HATING WORK-it just makes sense to me in a way a really good album like Bloom doesn't, something you could put on in the background while writing code and fucking up a line over and over again, but the music in the background makes your soul so happy that you just continue until you get it done, same with work, this album occupies 2 of my 10 songs slot in my work playlist, because it just helps. 8/10, this one is shorter because the next one we're gonna go through an Odyssey.