Supercharger by Machine Head, for starters this album suuuuuuucks, but I FUCKING love it. I have so much fond memories of them playing this at a concert and instead of playing Halo, unpopular opinion I dislike Halo, they played the title track Supercharger and the crowd went wild, or when I did have my radio show, the original Metal Nightmare, I played Trephination and getting a warning because of finale of the song where Rob Flynn threatens to shoot someone, and no one liking the song. I have history with this album. Now why is this album bad you may say? It kind of has the same problems as St. Anger has par for the awesome snars, where the album feels directionless it's all very simply made angry songs with lyrics made by an angsty teen I mean I've made a point like a couple years ago where the title track Supercharger is just babies first Battery in term of a high energy, relentless metal song but where Battery succeeds in its amazing riffs, that intro no-one could forget and being just an addicting song to listen to, Supercharger is an addicted song but in the same way everyone was convinced Rage Against the Machine was the shit in High-School. I mean Supercharger is a high-octane song but the lyrics are incomprehensible even by metal standards and even then they kinda just suck and even at that it is a very VERY simple song in terms of riffs, I'm pretty sure you can do it all with a C-power chord, I know it isn't, but someone could do it. I do not think it's a coincidence that they made TWO covers of Battery after Supercharger. Even though all of the songs are like forgettable admittedly, there are only two real standouts being Bulldozer as the only really song of note? It's corny, and simple, but its fine? And Trephination where it's the only real different song in the album where instead of sounding like a poor imitation of every Metallica song, its a decent imitation of those Metallica songs that start really slow but crescendo in anger later, I mean I like it. It has that flare of Rob Flynn's signature personal life notes and his history, and despite what everyone said in college the ending where he goes "I'm killing you, hand on the trigger, pull it. Your final thought'll be a bullet in your fucking head" is just one of the coolest things ever especially with how the song flows into it. Other than that I cannot name you another song without doing prior "research" for this. There isn't much to really say other than no one in the history of time said Blank Generation, or Brown Acid is their favorite Machine Head song no less their favorite Supercharger song. It's all just so bland, but the highs of this album to me, Bulldozer, Trephination, SUPER-CHARGER, are very high to me, personally, I like the juvenile angst that came from these songs, and sadly Supercharger wasn't that huge boom Machine Head needed to get back the popularity they had with Burn my Eyes, and teetered out with The Burning Red (another album I feel similarly with Supercharger). The title of the next Burn my Eyes is The Blackening, another album I'll review, it is my second favorite album of theirs, my first favorite being UNTO THE LOCUST, and my third one, sadly being, a 5/10.