Do me a favor and listen to this to Contaminate Me by Leprous, I'll even give you the yt link here.its sort of sets the tone and its thematic considering I'm reviewing Melodies of Atonement by Leprous. For my sake I'm just calling it MOA. So those of you "real ones" listening to Contaminate Me you'll understand that this is what I expect from Leprous, this is what I'm used to, Hell I've even heard it live by the good grace of God-Leprous isn't always constistent. Leprous' discography from the first half to second half is totally indistinguishable. Which is fine, bands do this all the time, and if Leprous has a change of style they are within their right, and I totally encourage a band diversify and enjoy playing rather than sticking to one style and hating it, thats just how you get shit albums. MOA, isn't my style, most of the songs are slowburns or just... slow... granted Contaminate Me is slow but its more of a sludge metal than uhm... prog metal??? heavy djent??? idk genre assigning could be a discussion for another day-anyway Contaminate Me works as a slow song whereas songs off MOA tend not to, don't get me wrong I like Atonement and Like a Sunken Ship as do we all, but I like them in a vacuum, when all songs are slow in an album it just becomes a chore to get threw where most of their albums aren't a chore. And most of my criticisms do allign with Malina, and Aphelion, where it's too djent-y to me (and I love Haken!), the vocals... and lyrics... are not my thing, although I will point out I do think the vocals and lyrics in MOA in particular have increased in quality, following Einars solo stuff I truly think he has come into his own recently with his range, and style. That being said it's a good album! It just isn't my thing. 6/10. Oh yeah btw ZTO was a 8/10 I'm doing this now maybe.